Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's not just a stereotype, okay! Korean kids are extremely good at math! A classic case of students outsmarting the teacher...

It's not just a stereotype, okay!  Korean kids are extremely good at math.

In one of my all-boys classes, the students are one lesson ahead of everyone else.  Next week they have exams, so I decided to create a review game.  I downloaded a Kung Fu Panda PowerPoint Bomb Game...which is totally awesome, by the way.  

Anyway, the kids loved it.  I divided the class into 5 teams.  Each team had 10 seconds to answer the question, otherwise another team could raise their hand and steal their points.   

In the Kung Fu Panda realm, there is a lot of risk.  Sometimes, you get unlucky and you lose your points. Sometimes you can trade points with another team.  And then sometimes, you can win a Golden Peach and win a jackpot of 10 points!  The game is very fun...but for the teacher, there is a lot of addition and subtraction, and dividing points in half.  Anyway, I started getting confused about how many points my students had.  The genius math nerds immediately caught my math error!  They are like the math police!  "Teacha Teacha, no! Thirty-six, not thirty-five!!!"  I was so embarrassed that these kids were smarter than me.  I just complimented the kids..."Oh, good eye, I didn't notice that!  I am glad you're paying attention"--a weak attempt to cover my embarrassment!  

I forgot the importance of "being fair" when you're younger.  Earning points is like life or death when you are a kid.  And since I am bound to make another math error in front of my students, I am going to change my policy. From now on, I am just going to have the kids tell me how many points they earned.  They can practice saying numbers. That way, it's a win-win.  They practice saying their points, I just write the number I hear on the board.  

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